Welcome to Hyde Street Chapel, Winchester (Reformed Baptist Church)

who we are

We are an Independent Reformed Baptist Church in the heart of the City of Winchester, Hampshire, the ancient capital of England.
We are a welcoming group of Christians from all walks of life, committed to worshipping God and sharing the love of Jesus Christ through faithful Bible teaching and our witness to others.
All are welcome to join with us.

what we believe

We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and that the truths contained within it are as relevant now as they were when God first gave them. We believe that we are all sinners in need of forgiveness and that the only way of being right with God is through His Son, Jesus Christ. Our primary aim is to glorify God, and to tell everyone of the saving news contained in the Bible, so that others may come to know and love God.

what to expect

We meet for worship on Sundays at 10 am and 5.30 pm and on Thursday evening at 7.30pm for Bible study and prayer. Christians seeking a faithful expository Bible ministry will find it at our services, where the preaching of God's Word is central to our worship. Those seeking to find out more will not be disappointed either.  A warm welcome is extended to any who would like to join us.

Perhaps you are asking one of these vital questions...

Am I good enough? How can I know if there is a God? What is my purpose in life? How can I become a Christian?  God has answered all these questions in the Bible so our first recommendation would be to read the Bible and attend a church that explains (preaches) the Word of God. But we can also help...there are many helpful short books that answer relevant questions which we would be happy to give you for free, or you can meet with our Pastor to ask questions.

Sunday School and Young People

Children aged 3-6 years are welcome to attend our Sunday School.
For older children aged 7-10 years we have the Foundations Youth Group and Pathway+ for young adults aged 11+.
All groups meet Sunday mornings, 9.15 to 9.50 a.m.
Plus regular activity days.

Coming up at HSC

Regular events
Sunday Prayer Meeting 5pm before the evening service, 1st Sunday of each month
Communion 3rd Sunday of each month
Fellowship lunch 4th Sunday of each month

Events / Visiting Speakers 2025:
Saturday 22 March 2025 Biblical Creation Trust Meeting "The origins of humanity" 3pm with tea following
Thursday 3 April 2025 Mission Meeting EMF
Thursday 19 June 2025 Missionary Meeting - Tim Burden from MERF

Video & Audio Recordings

Video recordings of Services as well as historic recordings of sermons are now available: