“I am the way,
Hyde Street Chapel is an Independent, Evangelical and Reformed Baptist Church situated in the centre of the medieval City of Winchester that stands for historic Biblical Christianity. We are a community bound together by the love of Christ. At Hyde Street Chapel you’ll find friends that care not just for your social and physical needs but your spiritual wellbeing too.
The truth which was preached in the early church, and which has been held by Christians down through the centuries is where we stand today. In the Bible we have ‘truth unchanged and unchanging’. As that truth is proclaimed in the power of the Holy Spirit it is the means God uses to set people free. Jesus said “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ” (John 8:32).
We invite you to worship with us. You will find no novel gimmicks, but you will find preaching that is challenging and faithful to the Bible. We are committed to Christ, to one another, and to reaching out with the Gospel.
The truth which was preached in the early church, and which has been held by Christians down through the centuries is where we stand today. In the Bible we have ‘truth unchanged and unchanging’. As that truth is proclaimed in the power of the Holy Spirit it is the means God uses to set people free. Jesus said “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ” (John 8:32).
We invite you to worship with us. You will find no novel gimmicks, but you will find preaching that is challenging and faithful to the Bible. We are committed to Christ, to one another, and to reaching out with the Gospel.

Pastor Mark Higgins (2022 - present)
Mark was born to Christian parents in 1984 and grew up in Belvedere, South East London, counting this as a great blessing as he was taught the Scriptures and taken to church from birth. Though he grew up learning about Jesus, Mark realised that it was not enough to make him a Christian; without turning from sin and having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Lord, he was in danger of judgment due for his sin.
Mark turned to the Lord Jesus in repentance and faith in 1996 and went through the waters of baptism on Easter Sunday, 1997, being added to the membership of Free Grace Baptist Chapel, Belvedere, where he remained until moving to Winchester in 2022. Mark also served as an elder in Belvedere for a couple of years before being called to Hyde Street Chapel.
Mark left school at 16, trained as a vehicle technician and remained in the motor trade until he left to go to the London Seminary in order to train for church ministry. He was called to be our pastor in August 2021 and took up the office after completing his studies at the beginning of July 2022.
Mark turned to the Lord Jesus in repentance and faith in 1996 and went through the waters of baptism on Easter Sunday, 1997, being added to the membership of Free Grace Baptist Chapel, Belvedere, where he remained until moving to Winchester in 2022. Mark also served as an elder in Belvedere for a couple of years before being called to Hyde Street Chapel.
Mark left school at 16, trained as a vehicle technician and remained in the motor trade until he left to go to the London Seminary in order to train for church ministry. He was called to be our pastor in August 2021 and took up the office after completing his studies at the beginning of July 2022.

Pastor Richard Turner (2004 - 2022)
Richard was converted to Christ from atheism in 1972 while he was serving in the Royal Air Force in Cyprus.
He has been involved in serving Christ from that day. Richard trained for the ministry at the London Theological Seminary, and has a Masters degree in Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary, USA.
He held pastorates in Ripon and Glasgow prior to moving south to Hampshire. Over many years he has preached in churches throughout the south of England and further afield. Richard was involved in re-opening Hyde Street Chapel in 1999 following a period of closure, and was appointed our full time Pastor in January of 2004, retiring in June 2022.
He has been involved in serving Christ from that day. Richard trained for the ministry at the London Theological Seminary, and has a Masters degree in Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary, USA.
He held pastorates in Ripon and Glasgow prior to moving south to Hampshire. Over many years he has preached in churches throughout the south of England and further afield. Richard was involved in re-opening Hyde Street Chapel in 1999 following a period of closure, and was appointed our full time Pastor in January of 2004, retiring in June 2022.

The Church began life in 1874 as "The Misses Perks Memorial Mission" a mission to the soldiers and people of Winchester back in Victorian times. Today that vision to reach out with the Gospel to the people of Winchester lives on.

Miss Emma Perks (1842 - 1922) &
Miss Louisa Perks (1844 - 1920)
Miss Louisa Perks (1844 - 1920)
The "Welcome" - the Soldiers Home in Winchester High Street 28/10/1916
The "Miss Perks" Soldiers Home